Bro. George Riek – Pastor
Email: pastor@orchardbaptist.net
Education: Graduate of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity degree
“I desire to serve God just as my favorite verses (Hebrews 12:1-3 & Romans 12:1-2) say, I strive to be transformed by the renewing of my mind each day and I ask God to give me the strength to run the race to finish!”

Maureen Finlay Pickle – Financial/Administrative Secretary

Mrs. Jo Ann Wilkinson – Church Clerk
“At my age, I am limited to what I can do physically, but I can still pray, call, and send cards. I also can keep up my church clerk duties on my computer. I would like to do what I did down through the years, but God gave me the good sense to realize those things are in the past. Now I can study my Bible, pray and listen to good Southern gospel music.”

Bro. Don Bond – Technology Director
Email: media@orchardbaptist.net
Favorite Bible Verse: There are so many, but the one that means the most would have to be Hebrews 12:1-2. Romans 8:1-4 is another passage that has helped me.