Bro. George Riek – Pastor



Education: Graduate of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity degree

“I desire to serve God just as my favorite verses (Hebrews 12:1-3 & Romans 12:1-2) say, I strive to be transformed by the renewing of my mind each day and I ask God to give me the strength to run the race to finish!”


Mrs. Vickie Dorsett – Interim Worship Leader



Mrs. Sharon Vittor – Pianist & Children’s Choir Leader



Bro. Tim Hackett – Student Minister


Maureen Finlay Pickle – Financial/Administrative Secretary

Favorite Bible Verses: Psalms 139:14 & Luke 23:34
“My desire is to serve God’s people and show all people the love that he has shown me. I strive to please God by doing as his Word has instructed me and tell of his love all over.”

Mrs. Jo Ann Wilkinson – Church Clerk

Favorite Bible Verses:  Colossians 2:5-7

“At my age, I am limited to what I can do physically, but I can still pray, call, and send cards.  I also can keep up my church clerk duties on my computer. I would like to do what I did down through the years, but God gave me the good sense to realize those things are in the past. Now I can study my Bible, pray and listen to good Southern gospel music.”

Bro. Don Bond – Technology Director


Favorite Bible Verse: There are so many, but the one that means the most would have to be Hebrews 12:1-2. Romans 8:1-4 is another passage that has helped me.

“My desire is to show the love and mercy of God to those who have not found him yet. Using my talents to fulfill the Great Commission. To see the lost and wandering come to a true, personal relationship with Jesus.”