Jan 12, 2022
Bible Study – Ezra Chapter 10
Series: Book of Ezra
  • Jan 12, 2022Bible Study – Ezra Chapter 10
    Jan 12, 2022
    Bible Study – Ezra Chapter 10
    Series: Book of Ezra
  • Jan 9, 2022Another Chance To Be Perfect
    Jan 9, 2022
    Another Chance To Be Perfect
    Series: 2022

    So you finally began a New Year

    Many people determine at the New Year to make changes in their lives

    Some, who are already believers, determine to live more fully for Christ

    Some, after deciding to examine Christianity, have actually become believers

    For everyone, once a decision is made, what does that actually look like?

    I want to do better but what does that actually mean in my everyday walk?

    This is another chance for you to be perfect

    Perfect? That isn’t even possible!

    Before we get to the topic of perfection, let’s look at vs 44-45

    In these verses we are called to do something that is not natural

    “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”

    The world would say NO!

    Look again at verse 45

    This is possible through our Father in Heaven

    Understand that this verse means that God loves ALL people, even your enemies

    Perhaps, when we strive to love them and pray for them, we will learn about them

    Maybe they shouldn’t be our enemies, but we haven’t given them a chance

    Maybe they are our enemies because of something we have done

    Maybe they have never felt the love of God that you know

    When we decide that we need to make a change, the place we start is with us!

    But I’m a nice person, just ask any of my friends

    See, being nice and loving those who love you is easy

    It is really truly striving to LOVE those who persecute you, that is so HARD

    This is how you make that change that you decided to make.

    This is your first step as a new believer and as a believer that wants to live better

    We must strive to be perfect by living like our Father in heaven, not the world

    This verse is clear, we are to be perfect, even if, as humans, we know that is impossible

    The perfect that we need to be, is to live like Jesus every day

    In our own strength, it is not possible, but God’s love is perfect, so will you live in that love every day?

    Every day is another chance to be perfect. Will you take that opportunity every day?

    First, you must give your life to the perfect Father.

    Will you take that step today?

  • Jan 6, 2022Bible Study – Ezra Chapter 9
    Jan 6, 2022
    Bible Study – Ezra Chapter 9
    Series: Book of Ezra
  • Jan 2, 2022Another Year Another Chance
    Jan 2, 2022
    Another Year Another Chance
    Series: 2022

    What does a New Year make you think of?

    All the things you didn’t do last year that you wanted too?

    All the things you want to strive for in the new year?

    It always makes me think about a chalk board

    No matter how many things are written on it, they can always be erased; and you are left with a brand new space

    Old things have passed away and all things are now New

    As a believer in Christ, there is a verse that comes to my mind

    The old has passed away and the new things have come; just as 2021 is gone and 2022 is here.

    The great thing about a new year, is that it hasn’t been written yet. Everything you do is the first time this year.

    Now look at verse 18-19

    “Now ALL things are from God”

    “who gave us the ministry of reconciliation”

    I’m sure that I’m not the only one that made mistakes last year

    This is a new year for us to be reconciled again with God, and for us to reconcile with others because of God

    One of the greatest barricades to destroying racism is the unwillingness to reconcile with the past

    In order to be better this year, we need to be purposeful about reconciling with others

    This means we must use the power that God gave us if we are ever to get there

    He gave us the word of reconciliation, and, as we are reconciled with Him, we lead others to do the same

    The only hope that we have for this world of ours is to show everyone Jesus is the ONLY answer

    It is another year and another chance to be an ambassador for Christ

    Did any of you men ever participate in RAs as a child?

    RA stands for Royal Ambassadors for Christ

    You see, what we have another chance to do this year is be the child of the King that we are supposed to be

    We can serve as an ambassador to show every person the way to the King and eternal salvation

    He became sin that we might become righteousness

    Another year means another chance to lead people to Christ

    Last year and the year before that I challenged you to strive to lead just one person to Christ

    In order to lead one, you have to talk to many

    I wonder how many actually met the challenge and led someone to Christ.

    Another year, another chance

    Last year, in this church, the baptismal pool remained dry

    Let’s be His ambassadors this year and see that pool full often.

    You can’t be His ambassador if you haven’t committed your life to Him yet

  • Dec 29, 2021Bible Study – Ezra Chapter 8:24-36
    Dec 29, 2021
    Bible Study – Ezra Chapter 8:24-36
    Series: Book of Ezra
  • Dec 26, 2021The Christmas Gifts – Myrrh
    Dec 26, 2021
    The Christmas Gifts – Myrrh
    Series: 2021

    Over the last two weeks we talked about the gifts of Gold and Frankincense

    These were two of the gifts that the Magi brought to Jesus
    If you ever wondered what Myrrh looked like:

    Myrrh is a aromatic, sap-like resin derived from a small Commiphora myrrha tree

    It was commonly used in perfume mixtures and especially for embalming a body during Jesus’ day

    This passage speaks of a Holy anointing oil made with Myrrh
    We see that here, Myrrh was used as a perfume
    Myrrh also has pain relieving qualities and was used during crucifixions

    Today Myrrh is still used for many things:

    Inhaled, it is used to help congestion, respiratory issues and coughing,

    It is used topically to prevent hair loss, give younger looking skin

    It can be use medicinally to heal wounds, stop infection, and calm inflammation, among other things

    One of the most common uses was by the Egyptians, as they used it during the mummification process

    Which is probably how it came to be used as embalming fluid

    While Myrrh has so many positive qualities, this isn’t what I want you to know most about it

    You see, myrrh would eventually be used to anoint Jesus’ body before burial

    Perhaps the wise men, having learned the prophecy of the Messiah from Daniel, knew more than we thought

    Myrrh certainly represents Jesus as the Savior through His death burial and resurrection

    Perhaps, the wise men were just bringing gifts suitable for royalty

    Either way, we know that these three gifts were more than just gifts; they were telling of the things Jesus would be

    Jesus is the gift from God to save the world. His death burial and resurrection was the ultimate purpose of His birth

    He came that we might have life and have it abundantly

    He came into the world to save the lost

    He is our King, and He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

    He is our high priest that sits at the right hand of the Father and intercedes on our behalf

    He came as a child, and died as the perfect sacrifice for your sins and mine

    He is the ultimate Christmas gift, and I pray that you have received Him today.

  • Dec 24, 2021Christmas Eve Service 2021
    Dec 24, 2021
    Christmas Eve Service 2021
    Series: 2021
  • Dec 19, 2021The Christmas Gifts – Frankincense
    Dec 19, 2021
    The Christmas Gifts – Frankincense
    Series: 2021
    So, what is Frankincense?

    Frankincense is the gum or resin of the Boswellia tree, used for making perfume and incense.

    It was one of the ingredients God instructed the Israelites to use to make the sacred incense for the Holy place

    It is clear that this specific blend, including Frankincense, was to be used for Holy purposes

    Frankincense, itself, was also used in offerings to the Lord

    Frankincense was mainly used by priests
    Last week we discussed the gift of Gold, representing Jesus' kingship

    Today, as we look at Frankincense, it is clear that it represents Jesus' status as a priest

    He is our High Priest and the only one eligible for that role due to His holiness

    In all His holiness, Jesus grew up and suffered for you, in order that you might have life

    Frankincense tears are collected and ground up to make the incense and perfume

    It has been said that these tears represent the torture Jesus suffered during His crucifixion

    The sweet aroma of the Frankincense was pleasing to God as an offering

    Jesus was a sweet sacrifice, pleasing to God

    We are to be imitators of Christ, that same sweet smell, as we serve God

    Today, Frankincense is no more

    Oh wait, that is not true! You can even purchase Frankincense in an essential oil

    It is used to promote relaxation, peace, and overall wellness.

    The wise men came to worship Jesus and to announce His priesthood to the world

    As you consider today how God’s perfect plan unfolded so long ago, have you considered why?

    It was to make a way for you to receive salvation.

    This is the Christmas gift, will you receive it?

  • Dec 15, 2021Bible Study – Ezra Chapter 8:1-23
    Dec 15, 2021
    Bible Study – Ezra Chapter 8:1-23
    Series: Book of Ezra
  • Dec 12, 2021The Christmas Gifts – Gold
    Dec 12, 2021
    The Christmas Gifts – Gold
    Series: 2021

    Many times people wonder about the gifts the wise men brought Jesus

    Each of the gifts had specific meaning, and the wise men knew this

    Today we are going to look at the gift of Gold.

    Gold, as a gift, was only given to those in a royal line

    Kings were given gold, and this was a symbol of their royalty

    Today, we know that Jesus is king of kings, but how did the wise men know this?

    These magi were not from Jerusalem or Bethlehem or anywhere close by

    Scripture says they were from the east. This is talking about the far east sometimes referred to as the orient

    This area included the lands of Babylon and surrounding areas

    Prominent Jew with much influence lived there and his name was Daniel

    Daniel had been given the vision concerning the Messiah, so certainly he would have taught that

    The magi were part of a group that Daniel would have had influence over

    It is important to know that Jesus was born to be King

    This prophecy clearly shows Jesus taking the throne of David and ruling forever

    Jesus, Himself, during His earthly ministry, said He was King

    Timothy reminds us in 1 Tim 6:13-15 about Jesus’ kingship.

    You see, the wise men, who learned from Daniel, knew that Jesus was a King; so they gave the appropriate gift

    For us today it is important to remember that, as Timothy said, Jesus is King of Kings

    Our world is so crazy sometimes to stop and remember that God is still in control and Jesus is still King brings peace

    Remembering that Jesus is King also helps us as we are faced with many things that want our attention

    Matthew 6:24 says no one can serve two masters

    This means for us to keep Jesus’ Kingship in mind and serve Him alone is paramount

    We see Jesus as King in Revelation as well

    When the end comes and the battle is over, Jesus is still King of Kings

    The wise men knew this and celebrated this with the gift of Gold

    Do you call Him King today?

    You can!

  • Dec 8, 2021Bible Study – Ezra Chapter 7
    Dec 8, 2021
    Bible Study – Ezra Chapter 7
    Series: Book of Ezra
  • Dec 5, 2021The Miracle Called Christmas
    Dec 5, 2021
    The Miracle Called Christmas
    Series: 2021
    The Prophecy:
    Isaiah 7:14 NASB
    Jesus coming to save us from our sins wasn’t an afterthought

    The prophecy of a coming Messiah had been passed down for centuries before Jesus’ birth

    While it may not have been an afterthought, it was truly a miracle

    God chose to provide a sacrifice to pay the price of sin for every person

    He provided His Son Jesus through a virgin so that all would know this was a miracle

    He provided an earthly father to look after Jesus until His time had come

    It was a miracle that Joseph listened to the angel instead of saving face with people

    I want you to understand that every part of this familiar story is a miracle

    A young woman’s miracle conception that she probably didn’t really understand

    The fiancé that went against his instincts to protect them both and became an object of ridicule

    All of this was done as God had designed

    He made the preparation for man’s salvation from the moment He decided to give us free will

    We say the words “From the manger to the cross” but sometimes it is hard to really grasp that reality

    What if you were told you were going to have a child and that child’s purpose was to die

    That would be unimaginable

    But God

    He loved the world so much that He gave His only Son

    This miracle that we call Christmas is the celebration of the most important gift to the world

    So I’m begging you all, this year, please don’t let the miracle of Christmas become an afterthought in your celebration

    We decorate our homes, we buy wonderful gifts, we make delicious food and all these things are good

    But what if the true miracle of Christmas becomes lost in the celebration

    I saw a scene once that had all these giant secular objects to celebrate and off to the side a tiny manger scene

    That is how the world sees Christmas if the manger exists in the celebration at all

    The miracle that will never be repeated has been pushed into the background

    By Christians

    If we don’t actively celebrate the Miracle of Christmas the world will forget it was even a thing

    The question for you today is, do you believe in the miracle called Christmas

    If you believe, the scripture says you shall be saved by this miracle

    Will this be the year that you truly celebrate the miracle of Christmas?
