A Mother’s Faith

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Mothers are amazing and they are the great teachers of life

I want to share with you this morning a few things that mother’s teach us

That list is funny, but it’s true!

Every year at this time, I try to think of a Biblical mother that we can learn from

This year I want to learn from Naomi

This is a lot of tragedy for one woman to endure

Remember, during this time, women didn’t have any rights on their own

Now, without any males left to take care of her, she decided to return to Bethlehem

So, look what happened with her daughters-in-law

Naomi must have shown faith for Ruth to want to serve her God

Mother’s lives are not always easy and sometimes children learn from the struggle

Reality check.
Even mother’s struggle with their faith

Naomi means “Pleasant”

Mara means “Bitter”

Even so, she strived to take care of her daughter-in-law

In chapter 2, Naomi’s hope was restored as God provided Boaz to take care of them

Naomi taught Ruth how to trust God and He provided a redeemer in Boaz

The story of Naomi and Ruth is unconventional, but, often times, so is life

Naomi’s faith wasn’t perfect and a Mother’s faith isn’t either

Moms today, if you have ever struggled thinking you aren’t good enough;

Understand that all of us struggle with that because we live in a fallen world

But God made you a mom for a reason and He is always there for you

God knows exactly what He is doing so trust Him

A mother that follows God will be the mother that she is supposed to be

This goes for Grandmothers, Great-Grandmothers, Step-mothers

And yes even Mothers-in-law

In fact, it applies to all people; if we follow God, we will be exactly right

So are you following God today?
Do you want to?
