All God’s Children

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Tomorrow is a Federal Holiday marking Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday

He spent his life preaching that ALL people were created in God’s image and we need to love one another

Today, the divisions between people simply because of skin color, are still in full existence

Even though God created ALL people in His image, the world has divided us because we look different

We are ALL God’s children! We are ALL created in His image!
He loves us ALL!

There is only one hope for all this racisim and division to be healed, and that is humility

Yes, I have preached on this passage before and, to be honest, I will probably preach on it again later

Our world today is not what Martin Luther King Jr dreamed about

But it can be!

“If My people, who are called by My name”

Understand that God’s people, who are called by His name, do not have a race

Our race is “God’s people”, no matter what we look like on the outside.

Only if you are identical twins, do any of us actually look just like one another

We are all unique creations and if we have given our life to Christ, we are ALL God’s children

You say, “Preacher, we know that!”

But do you live that way?

How many people, who say they are believers, have close friends of another ethnicity?

Do you have them over to your house for dinner?
Do you go to their’s?

If my people….”will humble themselves”

Humility is exactly what we all need to live. When we do that, we are pleasing to God.

When we stop thinking so highly of ourselves, we can live in Christ, as we are called to do

When ALL God’s children humble themselves, and make friendships, and let others see, it is amazing!

If my people….”and pray and seek My face”

How do we live as God’s children? We pray and seek His face

It is when we pray and seek Him that we hear from Him, and know how to live each day

If my people……”and turn from their wicked ways”

When we don’t treat people as one of God’s children, it is hatred of that person, and that is wicked

We can say, “I don’t hate people, I just don’t have anything in common with them”

But we don’t know because we haven’t tried to get to know them

I’m specifically talking about ALL people who look different from you

“Then I will hear from heaven, I will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”

So, we know the answer to all the division and hatred in our land today, so let’s just do it.

God created every single life in this world today, yesterday, and tomorrow

ALL God’s children

Are you called by His name today? Then, it is time we act like it!

If you don’t know Him, do you want to?
