Beware Of Imitation Armor

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We live in a world where Satan is the Prince of this world
That means that everyday Satan and His army are trying to defeat God’s children
He knows he can’t snatch us out of God’s hand
Since satan knows there is no way he can get you, he tries to make you ineffective
How does he do that?
He attacks you on every front that he can, to find a weakness to make you confused and hurt
If he can do that, you stop working for God and spend all your time worrying and upset
Put on the full armor of God
I want you to understand that this armor has to be God’s armor otherwise it doesn’t work
Let’s look at what God’s armor includes
Gird your loins with TRUTH
Everything satan does is calculating and he will try to convince you to use imitation armor
He says what is truth, isn’t that relative to each person. Your truth can be whatever you want it to be.
Put on the breastplate of RIGHTEOUSNESS
Imitation armor doesn’t work.  Just ask the Army.
Do you really want to protect your heart with imitations
God’s armor is actually impenetrable
Shod your feet with the preparation of the Gospel of PEACE
The military spends millions of dollars on boots.  They understand that if a soldier’s feet are injured the soldier is immobilized
If satan can immobilize us, he gets a win because how many others won’t hear the gospel
The imitation we rely on is that someone else will go
When you put on the full armor of God satan is defeated and the Gospel is spread
This shield is able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one
What if your imitation shield was hit by one of satan’s arrows
The imitation shield is believing that satan isn’t going to bother you
Satan deploys many demons throughout the world and we are all in danger of a satanic attack at any time
The biggest thing that satan does, is try to tell you that you are not saved and unworthy to be saved
When you know that you have received salvation hold onto that hard
Make sure that you are sure
One way to continually live in salvation and battle the evil one is to use the SWORD of TRUTH
There is no substitute and imitations will fail
A good soldier spends a lot of time making sure their weapon is in great condition and ready always for battle.
When is the last time you cleaned your weapon and gave it a good inspection
Satan will throw every kind of imitation at you and if you put on imitation armor you can’t battle
Accept no substitute, only use the armor of God!
Now the question is do you know Him in order to receive that armor?
