Excessive Heat Warning

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This week we will celebrate Independence day!
As a country we are blessed to be free to live and worship as we choose
So many people have fought and even died to make sure we have this freedom
Which brings me to today’s very pointed message
We ALL have a choice of where we will spend eternity
This last week we spent under an Excessive Heat Warning
It has been so hot, peoples shoes were literally sticking to melting asphalt
If you choose to reject Jesus Christ…..you ain’t seen nothing yet.
We don’t like to talk about Hell because it is scary
I personally don’t believe that our minds can even comprehend how horrifying it is
And this horror and pain and suffering and heat will NEVER end
Are you scared?
All week long I heard about how bad the heat was and looking for when it will end.
Praise God, this too will pass
According to what I just read in Revelation, Hell is no joke but it is real!
People make jokes about hell.  When God described it, He wasn’t joking
Think of the most horrifying awful thing you can think of and multiply by a billion
Some say don’t use hell as a way to convince people to accept Christ
I just want you to know the reality of your choice
Now, here is some good news
You don’t have to spend an eternity in Hell
In the beginning of the passage I read from Revelation, it mentioned a 2nd book
The Book of Life
If your name is found in that book, you will be spared the penalty for your sins
This passage says “having believed you were sealed”
That sealed, means you were written in the book of life and sealed in it
You can’t get scratched out of it.
Those who were found in the book of life were not cast into the lake of fire.
Those in the book of life are sealed in Him, meaning for all eternity
This means you will spend an eternity in Heaven with Jesus
Today, it all boils down to your choice. Only you can choose.
