Father’s Love

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Happy Father’s Day!
If you can’t celebrate your earthly father today, you can celebrate our heavenly Father
Love is one of the words that is interpreted differently by so many people
Someone who was abandoned, abused or flatly ignored, thinks of love differently
Most of the time when love is talked about in the world, it is really lust
Many father’s have a hard time showing love
Perhaps the biggest problem with all this, is no one shared love’s true meaning with you
Love is defined about as thoroughly as it could be in this passage
For fathers, as well as everyone else, it is important that we truly feel this definition
I say feel, instead of know, because just having knowledge isn’t enough
“People are very different, and some just can’t show love like this”
You are correct! They can’t unless they have felt love like this.
The good news is Father’s love is exactly like this
Our heavenly father shows us every one of these characteristics of love
The world tries to say real men don’t show love like this because they are tough
The truth is, so many men don’t show love like this because they don’t know it
The most manly thing a man can do is accept Christ and His love
The beginning of this passage says “love is patient, love is kind”
If Fathers, and everyone else, would just grab onto that
Just think, if we were all truly patient and kind, how much better the world would be
“Yes, but we can’t really be that way can we?”
Yes we can, if we truly walk in the Fathers love.
What we see here is the power of Father’s love. 
First the heavenly Father, then through Him, our earthly father’s love
Are you living that love today?
Do you want to be?
