Forgivness Is Paramount

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Everyone here is human
Since we all make mistakes, we all need forgiveness
God gave us the ultimate forgiveness, if we accept it
If we have been forgiven, what does that mean for us?
When we need forgiveness, it is the greatest thing we can receive
Forgiveness can repair relationships as nothing else can
In this passage a person was in the wrong but they asked for compassion
The compassion led to complete forgiveness
This was an incredible act of kindness
Unfortunately, many people receive forgiveness but don’t reciprocate
Forgiveness should be given as easily as it is received
Today we hear many people say, I can never forgive them
I’m talking about Christians right now
When we have been forgiven there are consequences if we don’t forgive
If we are to have a relationship, forgiveness is paramount
When we hold unforgiveness in our hearts, the person that hurts the most is us
Unforgiveness creates a barrier to a relationship with people and with God
When we have hurt someone we need to go to them and apologize
This gives us a chance to show our sorrow and them a chance to forgive
We need to go to those we have hurt and make amends
This can make both hearts right with God
See we, as believers, must give others the same forgiveness that God gives us
The way to do this is be kind to everyone
If we do something wrong to someone, apologize
When someone apologizes, forgive them
Have you received the forgiveness that Jesus offers today?
