Funerals For Good Living

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Hebrew 9:27 says “it is appointed unto man once to die and after that the judgement”

In the last 8 days I have been a part of three funerals

Knowing this was the week ahead, I began to think about eternity and how many people live like there isn’t one

I found an article about a service in South Korea that is offered to all

Free funerals for the living

Since it began in 2012 more than 25000 people have participated in “living funerals”

These simulated death ceremonies are designed to help you appreciate life and inspire gratitude and even forgiveness

Death is the destiny of everyone and the living should take it to heart

I saw many pictures at the funeral home this week that were different

One had a coffin being transported to the grave in a fishing boat

Another had a set of golf clubs leaned against the coffin

I’ve even heard of someone being buried with their rifle in the coffin

While all of these things were meant to show the things people loved to do in life, they were sad to me

Because there is no hunting, fishing, golf or football in heaven

If there is a service for me one day, the only item I want people to see is my Bible

Because, if death is the destiny of everyone, then, as a living person, we need to understand what really matters

So why do I say funerals for good living? To remind us that we only have a finite amount of time here

That should help to remind us do what Matt 6:20 says and store up treasures in heaven

Look at verse 4

This is saying, instead of living in this life to pleasure ourselves, we need to remember what is ahead

Think about this…if you die today what would your funeral look like?

Would people be talking about what a great football fan you were?

Maybe they would even say you were a good person and many other nice things

But what about you….do you know what is going to happen after your death?

Have you laid up any treasure in heaven?

Will you be in heaven?

It isn’t automatic that you are going to heaven

When we spend time at funerals, it makes us think about our own mortality

One day death will come for you. So, the question is: Are you ready for what happens after that?

Have you ever given your life to Christ and accepted the salvation that He offers?

Let the Funeral help you live better by trusting in God and living every day for Him

Will you give your life to Jesus today?
