God Provides

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Perhaps today you are very concerned about all the mess going on in the world

There are real problems that are very scary especially to consumers

This isn’t the first time people have been scared and concerned about their immediate future

The Israelites had finally been released from the bonds of slavery only now afraid they will starve to death in the wilderness

It is a natural thing as humans to fret when we see situations that seem impossible to overcome.


Even today our heavenly Father knows what we need and he will take care of us

The Israelites were desperate and they began to grumble against God but God said, I got this.

Nothing is impossible with God!

That still applies today!

The people heard what was said but they had yet to experience it.

It as if God said to the people, watch this!

He provided meat in the evening and what was eventually called Manna in the morning.

Neither of these things could have been done by men but God provides

Has there ever been a time in your life when you didn’t know how you were going to make it and something unexpected happened?


He always does it in His way and perhaps we can’t even understand

“What is it?”

In Hebrew that phrase “what is it?” translates to “Ma’n Hu? Which we pronounce as Manna

Notice how the people gathered different amounts but it was exactly what they needed

Even though we don’t always understand, God provides exactly what we need, exactly when we need it.

Today I want us to understand that even in these uncertain times, God Provides

Instead of living fearful we can trust God to see us through.

So the only question is, do you know the God that Provides?
