Gray Skies & Sunshine

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Psalm 86:1-13
With everything going on in our world it is easy to feel gray

Some people think that simply because you are a Christian you never get down

The passage that we read today was written by David, a man after God’s own heart

In the beginning of this passage we see heartache

“I am afflicted and needy”

Christians are not incapable of being afflicted and needy

The skies get gray over our homes too

So, as a believer, how do we properly handle the gray skies?

We look for the Sonshine!

When that sun comes out after a storm, it is always glorious

But, we need to remember that it was there during the storm also

Vs 4 shows us exactly what we need to do when we feel afflicted
Lift it all up to God. He is there in the storm and out of the storm

This Psalm begins with affliction but moves into huge praise and joy

Nowhere in this passage did we see God say let me take all the affliction away

Look at verse 5 and following; the affliction begins to turn
See, in the midst of the gray skies, David sees the Sonshine!

Instead of dwelling on the afflictions, he begins to praise God and is filled with Joy

For us, right now in our world today, the best answer is to praise Him

There may be dark clouds all around us, but when we praise, we are filled with Joy

There is only one catch; In order to praise Him, you have to know Him

This very same Daivd committed some very terrible acts, but God gave him grace

No matter how gray the skies are, the Son is always shinning!
