In His Steps

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Ever wonder how do I live life as a Christian

I know that my life is supposed to be different but how?

If you ask 50 people what a Christian life looks like you would get 50 different answers

One reason people struggle so much is we listen to the world instead of Jesus

Leaving you an example to follow in His steps

So how do we live our life as Believers?

We follow His example!

This is good news but also very hard
So part of the example is do not sin

That means I have to be perfect and I am not able to do that!

How is it possible to follow in His steps when His steps were perfect?

There is probably no one who has ever 100% lived up to their parents expectations

But Godly parents will say they are very proud of their children

Shoot for the stars and maybe you can at least hit the moon right.

Strive to try to follow in His steps every day and even if you fall short try again

He kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges rightly

In other words while we are striving to live rightly trust God to help us

Yes, Jesus was perfect and lived a perfect life and yes we are to follow His example

Vs 21
Since Christ also suffered for YOU

We are weak
but He is strong!

Jesus loves you and suffered for you and left an example for you

He also made a way for you!

Romans 6:23
We are to work hard to follow in His steps even knowing we will fall short

Work hard every day and know that He has covered our shortcomings

He paid the price for our sins already so keep striving

The first step in living like a Believer is to actually become one

Are you a Believer today?
