In The World

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Have you ever just wished you could get away from all the junk in the world and have your own private world?

You’re not alone!

The truth is that if you know Jesus as Savior you are not of the world.

Because you are not of the world, the world hates you!

This is the main reason that we, as believers, desperately want to be apart from the world.

Take heart because the world hates you just like the world hates your Father

If we were comfortable in the world, it would mean we were not of our Father

Notice that Jesus says He did not ask to take us out of the world

Some believers want to hide away from all things and just be out of touch

This is not what Jesus said. He said He didn’t want us taken out of the world, just protected from the evil one

So if we aren’t intended to be taken out of the world, what does that mean?

Once again Jesus says we are not of the world as He is not of the world.

Why is something repeated in scripture?

For emphasis! Jesus says twice we are not of this world.

Then in vs 17 Jesus asks the Father to sanctify them in the truth

He also emphasizes the fact that God is the truth.

Don’t take them out of the world, just sanctify them, meaning prepare them in truth.

One of the reasons that God’s people would rather be out of the world is they aren’t spending time in His Word

Instead of spending time wishing we could get out, spend time studying why we are here.

Pay very close attention to vs 18

Jesus says He has sent us into the world.

If He sent us, why are we trying to get out of it.

This passage shows that God’s people are to be in the world but not of the world

We, as a the human race, spend large amounts of time trying to get out of stuff

Probably if we spent more time just doing things instead of hiding we would all be more joyful

If Jesus says He sent us into the world then isn’t it about time we obeyed and went out trying to reach people

Instead of hiding in the safety of the church walls, let us Go and Tell!

Join me today in praying that God will reveal to us where and how we need to go

Are you ready to be part of this awesome family?
