Memorial Stones

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On Monday we will pause for Remembrance on Memorial Day
Why is this important?
Today I want to also talk about the importance of other memorials
On this day in scripture Joshua had two memorials set up
Why? To remember what happened and to pass it on to future generations
Every person has memorial stones in their lives
Some to help them keep something alive to pass on
Others to remind them they don’t want to go there again
Perhaps we haven’t set up enough memorial stones in our lives
Winston Churchill said, “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”
However, in some cases it is those historical things we need to repeat
All throughout scripture we are encouraged to remember and pass it on
God told the Jews to keep the word of God on their forehead as a memorial
As we study Exodus the Israelites are continually reminded they were once slaves in Egypt
Today it is important for Christians to remember they were once lost sinners
Sometimes we just want to forget, but remembering and sharing your struggles can be helpful
If every major event that God brings us through became a memorial in our lives
We would soon learn that we’ve been here before and God saw us through
As an American I can never forget that our Freedoms came by the loss of so many lives
I wear my Red, White, and Blue. I fly my flag. I cry at the National Anthem
It is one of the reasons I too became a soldier.
But what about the memory of what Jesus did for our Salvation
We can never forget that it cost Him everything to give salvation to us
So I read my Bible, go to church, serve in many ways as a memorial of what Christ has done
What He did for me is the reason I have salvation today
Do you know Him today?
