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On January 20, 1961 President John F. Kennedy made this statement:

“Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country”

As we began our study in Nehemiah this week, that thought pattern came to mind about believers and God

What if we stopped asking God to give us everything and make our lives easy and instead asked…

How can we serve you, Father?

For the first time really in Isaiah’s life he saw the glory of God and how small and sinful he was.

What if we could each have that experience of seeing the true Glory of God

The reality is that through Isaiah’s experience we should be able to see ourselves in that throne room

The experience was amazing, beautiful, and terrifying all at the same time

Most importantly, it truly showed Isaiah the sinfulness of his self and it shook him to the core

“Woe is me, for I am ruined”

Perhaps that is the true thing that we all need to see, how sinful and ruined we truly are next to Holy God

But Isaiah was not allowed to wallow in his realization of sin

His sin was taken away by the Holiness of God

Even in our sinful state God loves us and is willing to cleanse you


He created you for a purpose and He wants you to be used for that purpose

If God had nothing for us, once He cleansed us, He would simply take us home

Once Isaiah saw his sin, then was cleansed, he heard the voice of the Lord

God asked “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?”

Without any hesitation Isaiah said “here I am, send me”

Today as believers we seem to be more concerned in what can God do for us.

What if……think about this

What if God’s people paused for a moment and considered not what God can do for us

Instead what can we do for God!

John F. Kennedy’s speech moved thousands of Americans to civic work that had never considered that before

If believers could get that message and move to action I have no doubt there would be a revival like has never been

Will you ask God,
“What can I do for you in 2022?”

Maybe what you need to do is give your life to Him in the first place. Are you ready?
