Stagnant Ponds

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“You are moving like Pond Water!”

That is what my drill Sergeant used to say

Pond water doesn’t move and because of that it is full of all sorts of nasty

It is when ponds are stirred that makes them teem with life

Hang out on verse 3 with me a moment

Everything pertaining to life and Godliness

Who called us by His own Glory and excellence

All of these things boil down to Love, the Love of Christ
This we need to understand is spiritual growth:

If we are not growing, we are stagnant

Stagnant water begins clean and clear,

Due to lack of movement, it turns green and stinky

This is what happens to believers who are not growing

He who lacks these qualities is blind

We sit stagnant and become blind to our stinky condition

If these qualities are increasing, we are growing

If we are growing, it means we are full of life and bring life to others

You will never stumble!

The reality is, we should all stand ready to remind each other

Are you all stagnant and stinky?

Are you ready to be full of life in Christ?
