Sweet Aroma

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“Thanks be to God who always leads us”

Paul’s original plan had been derailed slightly, and he wanted to let the Corinthians know he was following God

This is how we all need to be, followers of God no matter if it isn’t according to our plans

Smells tend to stick in our memory. Both pleasant and unpleasant smells.

In this passage it is talking about a triumph parade during which the generals burned incense as they passed by

The picture here is of God in His triumph as a sweet aroma that we should always remember

We too should have a sweet aroma to God as we serve Him daily

The aroma of the triumph smelled great to the victors but very bad to those defeated

In this passage the drastic difference is the gospel is sweet to those who have received and foul to those who have rejected

Never the less, we are to strive to send that sweet aroma to God’s nostrils as we serve Him

Who is sufficient?

Is anyone sufficient?

Truly not one is really worthy but through Christ we can consult God

When we truly spend time with the Father our message to others is not corrupted by self

We give to them what God gives to us and it is a great thing

“we are not peddling the Word of God”

The meaning here is that we aren’t watering down or changing the Word of God but delivering it as we receive it

Have you ever watched an interpreter?

Sometimes I wonder are they really saying exactly what the person told them to say or not?

There are people in this world today that try to spin God’s word to fit their desire

When this happens the aroma is actually a stench

“we speak in the sight of God in Christ”

It is because of Christ and His propitiation of our sins, that we can hear from God in the first place

Through Christ we speak the Word of God and the first audience of that is God

When we hear from God and then share the gospel with others, God is the first audience member

He is listening so you better not spin it but pass it on, just like you received it.

When we do, God is pleased and we are like that sweet aroma that God loves so much.

If you choose not to share the word that God has given you, the aroma is not sweet but foul

Today will you march in triumph and produce a sweet aroma as you speak the gospel message?

Or will you remain stagnant and give off a foul stench that would not be pleasing to anyone especially God?
