Thankful For God’s Blessings

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Today we will celebrate our Thanksgiving together after the service

What, exactly, are we thankful for each year at this time?

Many answers to that question may come, but, let me say, the greatest reason to be thankful is God’s blessings

We looked at this verse last week when we talked about God’s Grace

Today, I want to look at it through the lens of blessings

The first part of this verse says “all things are for your sakes”

Understand, that this means the things that are good and the things that we call bad are for our sakes

In other words, blessings can come in heartache as well as happiness

We need to realize this and thank God for all the blessings

I know that it is really hard to give thanks in everything because some things feel so bad

Sometimes things happen to us and, at the moment, we can’t see how it is a blessing

But God uses these things to change our direction or reinforce our trust in Him

When we finally understand that God’s plan for us is never to hurt, but always to bless, it is an amazing revelation

God’s blessings in every form give us peace, if we look for them

Are you thankful for God’s blessings today?

The greatest blessing we can be thankful for is found in Romans 5:8

The KJV says while we were still sinners Christ died for us.

The greatest blessing to be thankful for is that Jesus paid for our sin on the cross and He overcame the grave

Prior to Jesus death He gathered His disciples together for the Passover meal

During this time, He told the disciples that the bread represented His body and the wine His blood

He told them to take this supper and remember Him until He returns

Thanksgiving is all about being thankful for the blessings God has given us

Have you ever received the blessing of salvation?
