The Best Culture

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Cancel Culture – The act of cancelling anyone’s opinions that disagree with yours

Diversity Culture – The practice of accepting many different cultures not only one

Woke Culture – Designed to help people see the inequality of people groups in the World

The Best Culture – The Great Commandment

The Best Culture is the one that puts the emphasis on treating people with God’s Love

One of the best examples we have is the Love of our Godly Mothers!

When a child comes to their mother with dirty faces and torn clothes, they know they will receive love

Yes, perhaps a scolding about playing in your good clothes, but mostly love

In most cases, if a child is hurt, they want their mother above all else.

You see, a mother’s love is next to Our Father’s love. It is given first and freely.

With all the different cultures I talked about today, and many I didn’t mention, it is so easy to get caught up.

We can become angry about those we disagree with.

Even develop a hatred for people simply for identifying with one of these cultures

The roots, of the cultures I mentioned today, were truly trying to right some wrongs in the world today

However, like so many things, the roots were overtaken by a political agenda

We have become great at arguing our points by shouting loudly at the ones we disagree with

What if we recognized, like a mother does, that all these people are the same kind of people we are

Human beings in need of God’s love

Think about how a mother loves her children unconditionally

Now look back at our text again

Our ability to love others begins with Loving God above all else

When we start with loving God, the natural progression is to love others

Instead of getting angry, recognize that all people are first humans and treat them with the love of God

If we truly want to see the culture of America and the world change, it starts with Loving God and Loving people

The Best Culture of God’s Love

We can honor our mothers today, both those who are here and the ones who have passed, by Loving like a Mom

That person in front of you my feel like a sticky child covered with who knows what, but just love them!

You may not agree with their beliefs or their life choices, but just love them.

Jesus certainly doesn’t agree with every person, but he does LOVE every person

There is only one way you can be a part of this culture, and it starts by giving your life to Jesus.

Are you ready to do that today?
