The Christmas Gifts – Frankincense

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So, what is Frankincense?

Frankincense is the gum or resin of the Boswellia tree, used for making perfume and incense.

It was one of the ingredients God instructed the Israelites to use to make the sacred incense for the Holy place

It is clear that this specific blend, including Frankincense, was to be used for Holy purposes

Frankincense, itself, was also used in offerings to the Lord

Frankincense was mainly used by priests
Last week we discussed the gift of Gold, representing Jesus’ kingship

Today, as we look at Frankincense, it is clear that it represents Jesus’ status as a priest

He is our High Priest and the only one eligible for that role due to His holiness

In all His holiness, Jesus grew up and suffered for you, in order that you might have life

Frankincense tears are collected and ground up to make the incense and perfume

It has been said that these tears represent the torture Jesus suffered during His crucifixion

The sweet aroma of the Frankincense was pleasing to God as an offering

Jesus was a sweet sacrifice, pleasing to God

We are to be imitators of Christ, that same sweet smell, as we serve God

Today, Frankincense is no more

Oh wait, that is not true! You can even purchase Frankincense in an essential oil

It is used to promote relaxation, peace, and overall wellness.

The wise men came to worship Jesus and to announce His priesthood to the world

As you consider today how God’s perfect plan unfolded so long ago, have you considered why?

It was to make a way for you to receive salvation.

This is the Christmas gift, will you receive it?
