The Good Shepherd – Fear Sermon Series

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Why are we living in fear today?

Uncertainty of America’s future;

Racial Tension,
Financial difficulties.

Certainly these are all things that cause anxiety, but why fear?

Let me tell you about the Good Shepherd

Turn with me to the 23rd Psalm
The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want
So why do we have fear of all these things listed earlier?

The Lord is my Shepherd

The Shepherd’s job is to take care of the Sheep, right?

The Lord certainly does a good job of that. Keep reading this Psalm
He restores my soul, meaning, He takes away the fear, if we let Him

Scripture also tells us that we all like sheep have gone astray Isaiah 53:6

Look what He does vs 3

For His name’s sake.
When He takes care of you, people see Him

The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want
The Valley of the shadow of death

We hang out here basically our whole lives

Look at the rest of vs 4
I fear no evil!

Because You are with me!

Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me

Understand that this seems very strange to some people

The rod was used to punish the sheep when it got out of line

Not most people’s idea of comfort right?

The staff could be used to nudge and to rescue

So both of these things comfort us because they both are used out of love
God takes care of us even in the presence of our enemies

He anoints us for healing and for a mission to reach people

Our cup is running over due to the extreme amount of blessing He gives us
The rest of our lives

Do you know the Good Shepherd?
