The Miracle Called Christmas

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The Prophecy:
Isaiah 7:14 NASB
Jesus coming to save us from our sins wasn’t an afterthought

The prophecy of a coming Messiah had been passed down for centuries before Jesus’ birth

While it may not have been an afterthought, it was truly a miracle

God chose to provide a sacrifice to pay the price of sin for every person

He provided His Son Jesus through a virgin so that all would know this was a miracle

He provided an earthly father to look after Jesus until His time had come

It was a miracle that Joseph listened to the angel instead of saving face with people

I want you to understand that every part of this familiar story is a miracle

A young woman’s miracle conception that she probably didn’t really understand

The fiancé that went against his instincts to protect them both and became an object of ridicule

All of this was done as God had designed

He made the preparation for man’s salvation from the moment He decided to give us free will

We say the words “From the manger to the cross” but sometimes it is hard to really grasp that reality

What if you were told you were going to have a child and that child’s purpose was to die

That would be unimaginable

But God

He loved the world so much that He gave His only Son

This miracle that we call Christmas is the celebration of the most important gift to the world

So I’m begging you all, this year, please don’t let the miracle of Christmas become an afterthought in your celebration

We decorate our homes, we buy wonderful gifts, we make delicious food and all these things are good

But what if the true miracle of Christmas becomes lost in the celebration

I saw a scene once that had all these giant secular objects to celebrate and off to the side a tiny manger scene

That is how the world sees Christmas if the manger exists in the celebration at all

The miracle that will never be repeated has been pushed into the background

By Christians

If we don’t actively celebrate the Miracle of Christmas the world will forget it was even a thing

The question for you today is, do you believe in the miracle called Christmas

If you believe, the scripture says you shall be saved by this miracle

Will this be the year that you truly celebrate the miracle of Christmas?
