Time For An Intervention

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I recently read how some friends, recognizing signs of depression in another friend, staged an intervention

Their goal was not to make the friend feel bad, but instead, to affirm the friend was loved

Many people initially respond to an intervention with anger, frustration, and embarrassment

However most times they eventually come to realize, it was done with love and it actually helps them

The thing I want you to see is that, we are to abide in Christ always and because of that we bear much fruit

However, sometimes, things pull us away and we get lost in our walk

When that happens, our brothers and sisters in Christ need to stage an intervention

First, we must draw close enough to one another that we can recognize the struggles

Second, the intervention is always done because of love

The goal is always to help each other find our way back to the right walk

If we abide in His love, we are doing exactly what we are called to do

I’m convinced that God’s people have forgotten what it means to abide in His love

We become lost in our walk and don’t even realize it, because we have walked so far away

What if, first we abide in Him and second we actually share His love with others

We would truly become close to our brothers and sisters, instead of just being someone we see at church sometimes

This bond of love stretches from God, to you, to those around you and it becomes a three stranded cord not easily broken

If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love!

This is My commandment!

Understand, that this is a commandment, which means we are called to show His love with ALL people

Not only do we need to stage an intervention within the church and God’s people,

We also need to intervene in the world, to help people see what they really need

People are searching for everything and anything in this world and we know what they really need

God’s love!! If we are abiding in Christ and He is in us, we can show others the love they are searching out

We are more likely to perform an intervention if someone is depressed, or addicted, which is good,

What about when they need to find the true love that will give them salvation

Interventions are not easy because most people don’t want them

But only through an intervention can some people finally see what they really need

Are you ready?
