Unbearable Heat

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Have you been enjoying the Heat lately?

We have had new record high temps all over our area just this week.

I don’t know about you but all this heat made me think about one thing…


So many people go through life never giving the existence of Hell one thought

For those who believe the Word of God, thinking about hell should cause us to work even harder to reach people

For those who have never made a decision to follow Christ, the thought of hell should be terrifying

There are those who argue, “a loving God wouldn’t send anyone to Hell”

To that I say you are right. But unrepentant people send themselves to hell

Today I want to look at several scriptures that tell us about hell

Hell is a place of eternal torment and agony

“Where the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched”

In this chapter in Mark that phrase is repeated 3 times! Do you think it is important?

“In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth”

Have you ever seen a dog that is in terrible pain?

The outer darkness is also a reference to hell as indicated by weeping and gnashing of teeth

Have you ever sat in total darkness for an extended period of time?

There are months in Alaska where the sun never shines and the depression rate is off the charts

Total darkness can make you feel as if you are being crushed to death.

How hot will hell be?

This fire was so hot the guards died just getting near it. We have to believe hell is hotter than that.

We’ve already established that the fire is not only hot but unquenchable meaning it never burns out

The point today is that hell is real and those who do not accept Jesus send themselves there.

There is good news!
1 Thessalonians 1:9-10 NASB

Jesus saves us from the wrath to come.

To perish means to spend eternity in Hell

Good news God did not send Jesus in the world to condemn the world but to save it.

Today if you are here or watching online you still have the opportunity to accept Jesus

“whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life”

That eternal life is in heaven with Jesus!
