Under God

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Today, as we celebrate Independence Day, I want to reflect on true Independence

People have longed to be independent since the beginning of time

The problem is, what do we want to be independent from?

Today, much of our nation truly wants to be independent from our creator, God

They seek an independence that allows them to have freedom

They think that God represents oppression

The truth is, mankind can never be independent from God

John 15:5 says, “apart from me you can do nothing”

See, to be out from under God places you squarely under satan

You see, those who are not under God, add sin to sin with their rebellion

Those who execute a plan not under God cause more pain and suffering from sin

What you take safety in, that is not God, will be your shame

“We are endowed by our creator”, says the Declaration of Independence

Our creator is clearly a reference to God, the creator of all

Our founding fathers recognized that it is our creator that gives us everything

To seek independence from God is like saying I want to be free from breathing

As an Independent nation, we are independent from other nations

The reason we can be independent from other nations is our dependence on God

President Eisenhower recognized that, and pushed to add that language in our pledge

In fact, if we are not Under God, then we are against God

Matt 12:30 says “He who is not with Me is against Me; and

He who does not gather with Me scatters”

Your life, just like our Nation, must be under God

God, our creator, has a purpose for you, but you have to be under Him to find it

How blessed are all those who long for Him

A true celebration of Independence from foreign powers

Is actually a celebration of dependence on our perfect God

Will you choose, today, to be Under God or against God?

He gives that choice to ALL
