What Now?

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Can you imagine the emotional roller coaster the Apostles were on?

They had been with Jesus when He made His triumphant entry into Jerusalem

They celebrated the Passover with Him and He told them He was going to die

They saw the arrest and they saw Him crucified

Then something incredible, He arose from the grave!

Now, in today’s passage, He was about to leave them again

As I thought about this journey, it reminded me of something


We are all on a journey that has unpredictable twists and turns

Jesus is always steady

Jesus told His disciples all of this would happen before it occurred

So what about after the resurrection?

What did He share with the disciples and is it relevant to us today?

I want us to see three things Jesus talked to His disciples about and it is for us too:

First, Jesus talked with His disciples about the end times.
Vs 6-7
“It is not for you to know” Jesus said. So we need to be prepared for whenever

The Father knows the time but our job is to live every day as if it is our last

If you were told your time was ending tomorrow, what regrets would you have?

Did you use your time to further the Kingdom of God?

Secondly, Jesus told the disciples about the Holy Spirit
Vs 4-5
So how do you live every day as if it were your last?

Through the
Holy Spirit

If we trust the Holy Spirit to guide us and follow, we can live every day for God

People tend to shut out the prompting of the Spirit instead of listening

In fact, if we simply listen to the Holy Spirit, we receive that Power that we talked about

We need that power to follow through with the last thing Jesus told the disciples

Lastly, Jesus gave the disciples and us our instructions until His return
Vs 8
We are to go out into the world and build the Kingdom by reaching people

We’ve been given the power through the Holy Spirit

So when the end time comes, have you done all you could?

When Jesus ascended into heaven, He charged His believers with the mission

Let’s be an Acts 1:8 church, taking the gospel everywhere

Today you need one thing to be able to do that.

A relationship with Jesus. Do you know Him today?
