What Waits Ahead

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Welcome to Palm Sunday!
This year we are looking at this story through Resurrection Eyes
Jesus had set His mind on going to Jerusalem
This was important for Him to go to Jerusalem to the Temple
Why did He need the donkey to complete the journey
Was He just tired

Everything Jesus did on that day was purposeful

Look closely at who was shouting and praising Him
It was the crowds of followers and those who had gone to hear His teaching
While his followers and the crowds with Him shouted praises
All the city said “who is this?
See, while the crowds were following Jesus He was focused
He was focused on what waited ahead of Him
Jesus was laser focused on the cross and the Salvation that He was about to bring
He would do it for all those praising Him
He would do it for all those who said Who is this?
He would even do it for all those who would later shout “Crucify Him!”
His focus wasn’t that one moment in time as Jesus arrived in Jerusalem
That wasn’t His focus
The things that waited ahead, the cross, the grave, and the resurrection
This is what Jesus was focused on during this amazing time
You see, if any of those items were not completed we would be lost forever
Jesus wasn’t soaking in the moment of praise by a crowd
He was thinking about how He loved you and why He had to do what He had to do
Today the question is have you thought about Him?
Have you given your life to Him?
