Wisdom and Folly

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A wise woman builds her house

We aren’t talking about a physical house here

What this is talking about is building her life

Our lives are built every day by the decisions we make

If we build wisely, our lives will be good and pleasing in God’s sight

If we are foolish, we end up tearing down

This whole passage is talking about building up for the sake of the body of Christ

The foolish tears it down with her own hands

You see, we have choices to make and they include building up or tearing down

In our world today, everywhere you look there is destruction in the name of prosperity

The family unit is being destroyed so individual pleasure can strive

Instead of teaching people that God’s love includes rebuke

Destruction is happening by accepting sin as normal

Instead of reaching out to people as believers, we are building walls of selfishness

The truly foolish thing is, this house is being torn down by our own hands

Believers, I am saying that our tearing down is why the world is distant from God

Instead of building up in God’s love, we became legalists

Instead of trying to edify we have been busy building a chasm

Am I saying we should be ok with the sinful world?

May it never be!!
We should build up by showing God’s love to a sinful world

Yes, God’s love does include rebuke but love comes first

Fear of the Lord is what we have forgotten

Instead, we practice deceit by acting one way on Sunday and different after

We tear down others by putting ourselves above them

This isn’t Godly rebuke through His love. This is worshipping self!

You can’t walk upright while tearing down someone else to build up yourself

If tearing down others is what you need to be built up, you aren’t walking in God’s love

If we spent our time building through God’s love…..

How much better could our world be here?

The wise woman and man builds

Today, are you full of wisdom or folly?

If you know God as Savior, are you trusting Him as you live?

Do you really know Him as Savior or perhaps you just know about Him?

It’s time to make wise choices, starting with giving your life to Him.
