Workmen For God

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During these crazy days, it is easy to get lost as to your real purpose in this world.

We are seeing Covid increasing at rapid levels once again and many hospitals are filling up

In fact, one of my High School classmates, Bubba Wood, needs your urgent prayers today

He is in ICU waiting for a respirator, which he desperately needs

When people are scared of death, they are usually more receptive to the Gospel

Therefore, we need to be ready to show people the truth of the Gospel

How can we make sure we are ready to share?

Look with me to 2 Timothy 2:15 NASB
KJV says: “Study to shew thyself approved”

Be approved as a workman for Christ

How are we workmen for God? Look back to vs 10-14
I want us to break down each of these verses
Now think about all these things in the context of being workmen for Christ

However, there is a trap that we need to avoid

We spend years serving our earthly bosses in jobs, trying to do our very best

If we are lucky, we might make a difference or we might be remembered for a few years

Think about this, if we are good workmen for God, the outcome is the population of heaven will grow.

There will be people that change their final destination from Hell to Heaven because we worked for God

Are you a workman for God today?

Do you know Him in the first place?

Do you want to?
