A Sign Of Hope

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Any time we are told something that is hard to believe, we want to know how

We want something that proves it is true; perhaps some kind of sign

Jesus, in the days leading up to his death, was teaching the people

The scribes and Pharisees, in trying to discredit Jesus, asked for a sign

Notice here that Jesus called them an evil and adulterous generation

Jesus knew their real motive for asking for a sign was simply a ploy to trap Him

He called them an adulterous generation

The only sign He said would be given

Three days and three nights

There are all kinds of arguments and interpretations of 3 days and 3 nights

We don’t have the time to unpack all these differing views

The point is, the sign Jesus was really talking about

Was not about the actual times as much as the death and resurrection

The real sign is that Jesus was going to be resurrected and overcome the grave

You see, today, people everywhere are just looking for some kind of hope

Something that will get them through this time of despair and emptiness

They want some sign that shows everything is going to be alright

The sign they need is a sign of hope

Jesus, through His death, burial, and resurrection, is that sign of HOPE!

He has come that we may have life, and have it abundantly

The sign you need to see today is that, because of the resurrection,

You too can have eternal life through Christ Jesus!

The sign of Hope is that Jesus paid the price for your sins and made a way to the Father

That is the Hope that we have, that Jesus made the way for us

Today, the sign that the world needs has been given in the Resurrection of Christ

Today, do you trust in Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection?

Have you seen the sign of Hope?
