Another Chance To Be Perfect

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So you finally began a New Year

Many people determine at the New Year to make changes in their lives

Some, who are already believers, determine to live more fully for Christ

Some, after deciding to examine Christianity, have actually become believers

For everyone, once a decision is made, what does that actually look like?

I want to do better but what does that actually mean in my everyday walk?

This is another chance for you to be perfect

Perfect? That isn’t even possible!

Before we get to the topic of perfection, let’s look at vs 44-45

In these verses we are called to do something that is not natural

“Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”

The world would say NO!

Look again at verse 45

This is possible through our Father in Heaven

Understand that this verse means that God loves ALL people, even your enemies

Perhaps, when we strive to love them and pray for them, we will learn about them

Maybe they shouldn’t be our enemies, but we haven’t given them a chance

Maybe they are our enemies because of something we have done

Maybe they have never felt the love of God that you know

When we decide that we need to make a change, the place we start is with us!

But I’m a nice person, just ask any of my friends

See, being nice and loving those who love you is easy

It is really truly striving to LOVE those who persecute you, that is so HARD

This is how you make that change that you decided to make.

This is your first step as a new believer and as a believer that wants to live better

We must strive to be perfect by living like our Father in heaven, not the world

This verse is clear, we are to be perfect, even if, as humans, we know that is impossible

The perfect that we need to be, is to live like Jesus every day

In our own strength, it is not possible, but God’s love is perfect, so will you live in that love every day?

Every day is another chance to be perfect. Will you take that opportunity every day?

First, you must give your life to the perfect Father.

Will you take that step today?
