Be Imitators of God

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Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

In today’s world, people are always trying to imitate others

Get your hair cut like your favorite star

Wear the same type of clothes as your favorite singer

Some people even wear costumes to look exactly like someone else

Eph 5:1 says be imitators of GOD

Out of everything you could imitate, God is the perfect subject

How can I imitate God?

Ephesians gives you instructions of how to imitate God
First, walk in Love, just as Christ loved YOU

We know how He loved us, so do that

Then, there is a list of things to avoid in order to imitate God


These are things that a Holy God is not capable of

They seem like no brainers, that we should stay away from these things

However, the world embraces these, and so, we tend to let them in too

We write off immorality and impurity as a new normal

Greed is not really greed, we just need to have enough

Be Imitators of God

Words do matter and our words can cause someone to turn away from God

“I didn’t mean anything by it! I wasn’t trying to be hurtful.”

We all try to walk a line of saying things but not saying things

I’ve even had someone once ask me if cursing was ok as long as it wasn’t at someone

Their reasoning was it was just words and not inended to be ugly

If we are truly trying to imitate God, we need to stay away from these things

No one has ever felt bad about being nice or saying kind things

I don’t wish I could take back compliments or loving words

I am not afraid someone will find out I acted righteously

So, this doesn’t mean someone who made a mistake and was sorry for it

This means someone who lives this way with no regret

Every time we act that way, we are closer to becoming that way

Instead, be imitators of God and the same applies

Every time we act that way, we are closer to becoming that way

The only way to imitate God is to know Him

Do you know Him today?
