Faith and Forgiveness

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Does anyone struggle with forgiveness?

I believe that, as human beings, this is something we all struggle with.

No one wants to be treated in a way they feel is wrong.

Many arguments stem from simple misunderstandings or miscommunications

The result however, is not simple at all.

When we have a hard time with forgiveness, sometimes, we hold on to that unforgiveness for a lifetime.

Unforgiveness in our lives can have a very negative effect on our prayer life.

In our text this morning, Jesus is telling his disciples that prayer is powerful, if you have faith.

In fact, He says, when you pray, believe that it is already been given and it will be.

If we look at these two verses together, we see that unforgiveness will truly block our prayers

In order to have true faith, we have to believe that God can conquer all things

A word spoken to a fig tree caused it to wither, and Jesus says you can cause mountains to be cast into the sea

These things seem impossible, but we know that Jesus said they are possible through faith

If we can trust that He is able to do these things, don’t you think He is able to help us overcome unforgiveness?


True faith means giving everything to God

We give Him our fears, our hurts, our joys, our struggles, and yes, we can give Him our unforgiveness

This passage is showing us that, if we are to pray effectively, we have to forgive first

Matthew 5 says leave your sacrifice at the altar go and be reconciled and then return to offer it

In other words, forgiveness has to happen before God will even accept our offerings

In our world today, there is much unforgiveness. Certainly this is one of the reasons for so much discord.

We ask believers to pray without ceasing about our Nation, but we also need to forgive without ceasing

In our individual lives, as well as the lives of our Nation, we must rid ourselves of the hate through forgiveness.

Today I’m asking you to examine your heart. If you find there is unforgiveness there, please ask God to help you forgive today

Perhaps you don’t understand how that can be because you’ve never asked for forgiveness from your own sin

God is offering full forgiveness today, but you have to repent of the sin in your life and ask Him to forgive you

He stands with open arms waiting for you today.
