Intentional Evangelism

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 Intentional Evangelism

Intentional evangelism is… intentional. Intentional means something that you have purposefully set out to do.  In this passage, John 4:1-26, Jesus shows us what being intentional looks like. Jesus tore down many walls in His ministry.  He knocked down Social walls, Cultural walls, and Economic walls.  Three of the social walls that Jesus knocked down in this passage are; This person was 1) a Samaritan, 2) a Woman, and 3) a Sinner. We must remember there are really only two types of people: Saved and Unsaved.  We must be gracious. Gracious means: full of grace, which is what Jesus gave us.  How do you react when you first meet people that aren’t like you? Initiate the conversation. If we don’t initiate the conversation, most people won’t either. Make eye contact, even if you are fearful of doing so. There is a great way to minimize your fear. Know your message! Ultimately, it all boils down to Romans 3:23-25

But how will they know unless we are intentional?
