Vacation Or Peace

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Probably every person in this room or listening online has spoken these words:


Life gets hard and sometimes we just feel the need to unplug from everything

I don’t know about you, but after almost every vacation I have ever taken, when I get home, I need another vacation

Unplugging from the daily grind is good, but, while it brings some relief, it adds other stressors too

“It costs more than I planned for; I’m running late to the next place; I can’t sleep in this bed…….. “

Do you know that Jesus said we would have tribulation in this world?

It is not a quick vacation, or stress break, or shopping trip, or any of these things we need:

We need the peace that only God can give.

Jesus was talking to His disciples here, and they had finally believed that He was God

Vs 31 Jesus says “Do you now believe?”

Guess what, now that you finally believe you are about to find trouble

Just like I talked about on Wed night, it is when you act upon those things of God that Satan comes against you

You will be scattered, you will have tribulation, in other words this world is going to be against you!

New believers often have trouble because somehow, they thought, once they accepted Christ, trouble was over

Jesus never ever told us that we would not have trouble, in fact twice in this passage He warns of trouble

So a vacation, while it is good to relax a little, doesn’t solve the problems in our world

What we really need is the peace that only God can give.

So how do we get that?

Vs 33

“in Me you may have peace”

The greatest thing about God’s peace is that He gives it to us freely.

Believing in Jesus, and walking with God daily brings peace greater than anything in this world can give

The next part of vs 33 immediately says “in the world you have tribulation”

You see the peace that God gives doesn’t stop tribulation; while we are in this world, it will come

One of the greatest phrases ever spoken is the end of
vs 33

“take courage, I have overcome the world”

Jesus conquered the grave, and overcame this earthly world so that we too can have that power

Don’t be disheartened when trouble comes, but, instead hold onto that peace in God, knowing He has overcome ALL

Are you finally ready to accept that peace that passes all understanding today?
