10 Second Wait

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We live in the microwave generation and expect everything to happen quickly

Research shows that most people expect to wait only 2 seconds for an online video to load

After 5 seconds 25% of people leave the site and after 10 seconds the abandonment rate is 50%

Half the people can’t even wait 10 seconds for something they desired in the first place

Romans 8:26 NASB

Today I want to start with a verse that is out of order in the passage we will look at

This verse says we do not know how to pray and as previously mentioned we don’t want to wait either

We are trying to move through life at warp speed and we try to make our relationship with God fit that mold

But a 10 second wait may not be enough for the Spirit to show us how to pray

This verse says the Spirit intercedes with groaning too deep for words

Certainly most of us have had hearts that were full but didn’t know how to express our feelings

Every time we spend time we God, we don’t have to know what to say and sometimes we just need to open our hearts to Him

You see we are living in a world that is not our home and this wait for redemption takes a toll

This is not a 10 second wait. This wait is a lifetime and we must listen to the Holy Spirit as our guide

The point is, one of the reasons our relationship is not deeper, is that we aren’t waiting on the Holy Spirit to guide us

Today’s believer spends most of their prayer time giving God a want list

But true prayer is when we wait on the guidance of the Holy Spirit to show us what to pray because that is what God wants for us

We have been saved with the Hope of salvation. Not hope meaning a wish but hope meaning an assurance

If our hope is in Christ we wait eagerly for that day when our hope shows us Glory

While we wait we listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Sometimes that voice is simply groanings within our being that we don’t know how to express

Instead of giving up when we aren’t sure what to say, let the Spirit reveal the answer

Most of the time this is more than a 10 second wait

We don’t know how to pray but the Spirit intercedes for us

What if we took some real time and listened to the Spirit, instead of just speaking words

What if we truly prayed what God wanted us to pray

If we pray what God is telling us to pray the answer will be amazing and the blessings incredible

One of the biggest problems we have today, is we are structured for that 2 second wait

Stop trying to fit a Holy God into our worldly mold and instead climb into a new mold, with the Holy Spirit as the guide

Jesus said the Holy Spirit would come and be our helper.

Isn’t it time you listened to the one that was sent to help you in the first place

Have you ever listened to the Spirit?

Do you know God?

Today I plead with you to listen, even if it takes a while for you to hear, and then respond.
