Don’t Worry, Be Thankful

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For many people it has become synonymous with worry

There has been plenty to worry about this year right?

Pandemic, a word we all wish we could forget

Record number of Hurricanes, we all learned some Greek this year

Civil unrest, most of us thought this couldn’t happen like it did.

Election fatigue, everyone is there right?

Worry seems to have come standard with this year model.

Matt 6:25-34

This entire passage is Jesus speaking and the first thing He says is don’t worry.

That seems easy to say and very hard to do. How can I not worry.

Jesus says do not worry because your Heavenly Father will take care of you.

How do we know that?

Vs 26-30

Jesus says God feeds the birds and clothes the flowers so He will take care of you.

In other words in order to not worry we have to be thankful

If you are sitting here today you have much to be thankful for!

During this season of Thanksgiving did you pause and thank God for the blessings?

We have so much to be thankful for because as bad as things are……

They could be even worse!

In looking around and surveying what we have to be thankful for…..

We begin to seek Him and trust Him

Vs 31-33

Do not worry but seek first the Kingdom of God

When we seek Him first meaning this becomes the greatest priority

All these things will be added unto you

What things, what you eat, what you drink, what you wear

In other words all of life’s needs will be taken care of

Don’t worry, be thankful and Seek God First

Look at vs 34

This passage closes showing us that worry isn’t productive

Each day has enough trouble of it’s own!

There is only one way for us to deal with this and that is to trust God

Do you know the only one that can take care of you?
